fresh | entertaining
1. Aciylic cover, ^1,595, Elvy 2. Net cover
on basket, ^19,750, Renovation Factory
3. Net dome, ^245, Lifestyle; platter
^1,800, Apartment 9
Tray, ^550;
glass and jug covers, ^1,200 (for 3), Good
Earth 5. Acrylic food dome, ^675, Osaba.
O n - t h e - G o F o o d Keep it simple!
Stick to finger foods that do not require too much
tableware. Keep the drinks in a bucket loaded with
ice, and let the guests get creative by providing them
with breads, dips, herbs, cut veggies, chips, fruits,
cheese boards etc. to toss up their own treats. Lots of
piles of paper napkins are a must and so is a dustbin.
With limited space, get the
table decor multitasking. A fruit with a guest name
(painted with food colour) serves as a name tag,
bottom left,
as will a rosemary sprig twisted and made
into an edible napkin ring. Display cheery napkins,
colourful fruits in baskets, tiered cake dish, spice
cellars, or herb bowls to their advantage.
L O V e Cupcakes are a convenient
pick-and-go dessert. They do not need crockery or
plates. Just mix different flavours and sizes. Keep
cupcakes in their packaging in the fridge and bring
them out post the meal to ensure they don’t dry out.
C h o o s e a n e a s y t h e m e
s u c h a s c o lo u r . P l a y
a r o u n d , m
i x i t u p ,
a n d h a v e f u n !
i. LSA cake platter, ^4,200, Moon River
2 & 3. Tiered cake server, ^2,650; cake
knife and server, f 1,740, FCML 4. Wave
acrylic platter, ^175, Big Bazaar 5. Cup
cakes, ^180 upwards (for 6),
American Ambrosia.
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